TODAY: Tuesday, October 17th, Hearing and Vision Screening will take place. Please be patient with the interruptions. There will be a 21st Century Spider presentation in the library from 3:35-4:35 for the K-2nd students who returned their permission slips.
TOMORROW: Wednesday, October 18th, Picture Retake day will take place in the morning on the stage. We will have a Pep Assembly at 3:15pm to send our Cross Country runners off to State!!
COMING UP: Thursday, October 19th, there is no school. Friday, October 20th, the Titans will play host to the team from Simms beginning at 7pm. The JHFB team will play host to the team from Simms at 4pm. Saturday, October 21st, the Lady Trojans will travel to Noxon. The bus will leave at 11:30am. The Cross Country Team will be competing in the State meet in Kalispell!! Good luck runners!!
Night @ the Library: Tuesday, October 24 at 7 p.m. An Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle. Learn how mind-body connections affect inflammation and how lifestyle can improve the quality of health including stress, pain, mood, anxiety and sleep.