March Trojan Trait—Resilient

"When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure." – Peter Marshall

Happy Birthday to Trey Phillips!  Have a great day!

Lunch:  Chicken Fajitas, Salad Bar, Potato Salad, Fresh Fruit, & milk

TODAY:  Tuesday, March 5th, Animal Wonders will be here for K-12th to attend in the Auxiliary Gym.  K-6th must have turned in a signed permission slip. (Everyone attending needs to be quiet and respectful towards the exotic animals and the presenters.)  Also, if a student normally rides the bus home, they will need to arrange a ride home.

TOMORROW:  Wednesday, March 6th, there will be a 21st Century basketball activity for grades 5-8 with Mrs. Anderson tomorrow from 3:35-5:00 in the auxiliary gym. Bring your gym shoes!

COMING UP;  Thursday, March 7th, will be the end of third quarter.