“Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well.” Robert L. Stevenson

Lunch:  Pork Roast, mashed potatoes/gravy, roll, green beans, cherry cobbler, & milk

 TOMORROW:   Thursday, March 7th, will be the end of third quarter.  There will be a 21st Century basketball activity for grades 5-8 with Mrs. Anderson from 3:35-5:00 in the auxiliary gym. Bring your gym shoes!  Please note the date change from the previous announcement!

Next week, March 11-14,  the elementary staff and students are going to have an "I Love to Read" week. There will be dress up days for K-6. Monday will be wear your hat. Tuesday will be read a t-shirt. Wednesday will be wacky/Dr. Seuss. Thursday will be school pride.  This is for the K-6th students!!