“The strongest oak of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It’s the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun.” Napoleon Hill
Happy Birthday to Eli Georges! Have a great day!
Lunch: Turkey Dinner, roll stuffing mashed potatoes, bacon squash, green beans, peaches & milk
TODAY: Wednesday, March 13th, the School board meeting will take place at 6pm. The public is welcome to attend. There will be a MSU-Northern representative here at 9am for any students interested in talking with them. It is wacky Wednesday/Dr. Seuss day for K-6th.
TOMORROW: Thursday, March 14th, Parent/Teacher conferences will take place from 3:35-6:35pm. We hope to see all the parent/guardians!! To end “I love to read week”, K-6th will show their school pride!!
COMING UP: Monday, March 18th, the Missoula Children’s Theater will be here all week preparing for “Peter and Wendy”. All students are encouraged to try out and be a part of this great experience.