Announcements 9/6/24

Friday, September 6, 2024

Lunch:  Cheeseburger, tots, French fries, broccoli, applesauce, & milk

Happy Birthday to Colin O’Kelly who has a birthday today and to Beka Perry who has one over the weekend!  Have a great day!

Reminder to students: Summer Slide books are due!  Please return all books checked out in May.  Students returning books will receive glow sticks while supplies last!

Parents please be aware that the no cell phone policy is in effect. If you need to contact your child in the case of an emergency, please call the office at 406-288-3281. Thank you for helping make our school cell phone free!!

TODAY:   Friday, September 6th, the Titans will travel to Lodge Grass for a game at 5pm.  Their bus will be leaving at 7:45am.  The XC team will travel to Bozeman for a meet at 10am.  Coach Normand sent out a list of those students who will be gone.  Good luck athletes and coaches.

COMING UP:  Monday, September 9th, the JVFB team will play host to Twin Bridges in Granite at 4pm.  Their bus will leave at 2:30pm, please release all football players at 2:15pm.  The School board meeting will take place at 6pm.  The public is welcome to attend.