Tuesday, March 4, 2025
“You can find magic, wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.”—Dr. Seuss
Lunch: Pepperoni Pizza, Salad Bar, Veggie Sticks, Oranges, & milk
Congratulations to the Sophomore team who placed 10th out of seventy teams at the math meet last week!
TODAY: Tuesday, March 4th, the HS track parent meeting will take place at 7pm in the Main gym. High School Track Practice will begin on Monday, March 10th.
COMING UP: Saturday, March 8th, FFA will be in Conrad competing. Good luck to all those students involved!
This week we will celebrate “Read Across America with Dr. Seuss”. There will be dress up days Monday-Friday, corresponding to a Dr. Seuss book.
Tuesday—“Green Eggs & Ham”—Wear green
Wednesday—“Wacky Wednesday”—Wear Wacky Clothes
Thursday—“Oh, The Places You’ll Go”—What do you want to be when you grow up or wear a shirt from a new place
Friday—“Fox in Socks”—Wear mismatching socks
Tuesday, March 4th
Lego Club resumes! After School Tuesdays
Come to the library after school to build and create with Legos.
Night @ the Library 7pm
Humanities Montana: "Finding Montana" with Ednor Therriault