Wednesday, March 5, 2025
“You’re never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child.”—Dr. Seuss
Lunch: Chicken Enchiladas, Spanish rice, refried beans, corn, apples/apple sauce, & milk
COMING UP: Saturday, March 8th, FFA will be in Conrad competing. Good luck to all those students involved! Friday, March 7th, school is in session.
This week we will celebrate “Read Across America with Dr. Seuss”. There will be dress up days Monday-Friday, corresponding to a Dr. Seuss book.
Wednesday—“Wacky Wednesday”—Wear Wacky Clothes
Thursday—“Oh, The Places You’ll Go”—What do you want to be when you grow up or wear a shirt from a new place
Friday—“Fox in Socks”—Wear mismatching socks
March Music Madness starts today with “One Love” vs. “We are Family”. 7th-12th students and staff will have a google form to vote, elementary will have paper ballots to vote with. Stay tuned for teacher trivia this afternoon! A huge shout shout out to Mrs. Anderson for all her hard work in make March such a fun music month!!