Wednesday, March 12, 2025
"Music is the strongest form of magic." — Marilyn Manson
Lunch: Turkey dinner, rolls, mashed potates/gravy, quinoa stuffing/sweet potato apples, fresh fruit, cranberries, & milk
REMINDER: If you went skiing the first time, you will still need to have signed permission slip to go the 24th. If you did not go and are planning on going this time, you will need all the paperwork. It can be picked up in Lisa’s office. All paperwork is due back to Lisa on Thursday!!
TODAY: Wednesday, March 12th, a Carroll College Rep and an MSU Northern Rep will be here from 8-9am to visit with our Junior and Seniors. The Senior Class will leave after school and be gone on Thursday, March 13th for their Senior Fun day.
COMING UP: Sunday, March 16th, the Close Up students, Mrs. Sarah, and Mr. Phillips will leave for Washington DC. Thursday, March 20th, is the end of Quarter 3. Grades are due to the office at 7am, Monday, March 24th. Monday, March 24th there will be no school.