Thursday, March 13, 2025
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”--Plato
Lunch: Chicken Noodle Soup, Salad Bar, Baked Carrots, Apples/Apple Sauce, Caramel Rolls, & milk
REMINDER: If you went skiing the first time, you will still need to have signed permission slip to go the 24th. If you did not go and are planning on going this time, you will need all the paperwork. It is due to Lisa today!
COMING UP: Sunday, March 16th, the Close Up students, Mrs. Sarah, and Mr. Phillips will leave for Washington DC. Thursday, March 20th, is the end of Quarter 3. Grades are due to the office at 7am, Monday, March 24th. Monday, March 24th there will be no school and this will be our second ski day.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, music fans of all ages—WOW, what a showdown we had yesterday! It was a battle of legends, but in the end, The Beatles and Here Comes the Sun shined just a little brighter, taking down Louis Armstrong’s What a Wonderful World in a fan-fueled faceoff!
But hold onto your seats, because today’s match-up is nothing short of electric! The Queen of Soul herself, Aretha Franklin and Respect, will be stepping into the ring against pop sensation Taylor Swift and Shake It Off! Will Aretha demand the R-E-S-P-E-C-T she deserves, or will Swifties shake their way to victory? The power is in YOUR hands, so make sure you cast those votes!
And let’s not forget about our Teacher Tunes Trivia—yesterday, Mr. Traynor’s wedding song, Wrapped in Your Arms by Fireflight, was correctly guessed by some sharp-eared students and staff! The seniors in particular had Mr. Bowey’s pegged with Rodney Atkins’ If You’re Goin’ Through Hell. Congratulations to: Beka Perry, Jacki Wetsch, Macey Anderson, Jackson Ostler, Paco Ostler, Tristan Graybeal, Logan Lacy, Miss Camille, and Daniel Rasmussen for guessing Mr. Traynor. Mr. Bowey was guessed correctly by: Kadin Gravely, Bode Bradshaw, Tucker Koon, Chance Dunkerson, Joe Butte, Anna Kate Sawfer, Annabelle Yates, Isaac Loessberg, Colin O'Kelly, Dalton Suthers, Logan Hauptman, Cyleigh Langton, Michael James, Gibson Bullock, Ollie McNiven, Amina Cochrell, Mrs. Graybeal, and Miss Lisa
Who will be today’s mystery teacher and what songs will they bring to the table? Stay tuned this afternoon to find out! Keep those guesses coming, keep those votes rolling in, let's let the music play!
Library News
Thursday After School Crafts in the library. March 13 3:35 - 4:35
We'll be making slime!
Saturday Pie Day Pie Sale and Book Sale at the library!
Pies will be for sale from 11am - 2pm
Pies $15
Books $2/bag
Next Saturday: March 22
11am - 2pm
Community Building Tea Party
Plan to visit the library to share in building a community of library users!