
Thursday, March 20, 2025

Music is probably the one real magic I have encountered in my life. There's not some trick involved with it. It's pure and it's real. It moves, it heals, it communicates and does all these incredible things.”—Tom Petty

Happy Birthday to Tula Wilson!  Have a great day1

Lunch:   Philly Cheese steak san, Fries, Salad bar, apples/caramel sauce & milk

TODAY:   Thursday, March 20th, is the end of Quarter 3. Grades are due to the office at 7am, Monday, March 24th.

COMING UP;   Monday, March 24th there will be no school and this will be our second ski day.  Tuesday, March 25th, the Junior High Track Parent meeting will take place at 7pm in the Main Gym.  All students will need a current physical, signed permission slip, and concussion form in order to participate.  Baseball sign-ups  will be in the lunchroom after school from 3:35-3:45 on Friday, April 4th

Upset alert!  Maren Morris & Zedd pulled off a stunning victory as The Middle took down John Lennon’s Imagine in yesterday’s battle! That leaves just 7 people with a perfect bracket—are YOU still in the running? 

And today, folks, we’ve got a heavyweight showdown! 

Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey steps into the ring against Aretha Franklin and Respect!   It’s an arena rock anthem versus a soul powerhouse—which legend moves on? It’s up to YOU! Get those votes in! 

And now for Teacher Tunes Trivia! 

• Miss Courtney was rocking out to Fly Away by *Tones and I! 

• Mr. Craig’s favorite? The soulful Ain’t No Sunshine by Bill Withers! 

There was a long list of winners on this one, so if you think you guessed it, go see Mrs. Anderson for a prize.

Who’s up next? Find out this afternoon! Stay tuned, keep voting, and let the music play!   

Library News:

Saturday, March 22nd from 11am - 1pm

Join us at the library for a Community Building Tea Party

Did you know our library has Hot Spots? Auto Data Reader? AV Goggles? Kodak Photo Printer?

Free Bookmarks!  

Refreshments will be served with tea and coffee.

 Help us build a community of library users!