Again this year CFWEP out of Montana Tech came and presented four classes for our 7th and 10th grade science classes. The four periods of class covered the history of Butte mining and the impacts it had on the Clark Fork watershed and surrounding areas along with the Superfund cleanup that is taking place. To culminate the unit the students took a field trip to put their knowledge to use by observing the health of Silver Bow creek near Fairmont.
The three stations of study were:
1) Riparian Assessment
2) Macro-invertebrate Analysis
3) Chemistry of the Water
The 7th and 10th graders got to go on a field trip to Butte on September 29th to tour the Berkeley Pit, Foreman’s Park and the surrounding attractions. Special thanks to Taylor Teal and Chris Doyle and their crew from CFWEP for making all of this possible.