The High School Parent meeting for Track and Field will be Monday, March 4 at 7 pm in the Main Gym.
Ski buses are leaving the mountain now and should be back to the school around 4:30-4:45. It was a fantastic day with lots of new snow!!
Reminder: if you are not skiing tomorrow, there is no school. We will be in session Tuesday through Friday this week. Enjoy your Monday off.
Just a reminder that route buses will NOT be running at all tomorrow. Ski buses will leave at 8:30 and return around 4:45. Please make sure your students are dressed appropriately and bring what they need for lunch. Looking forward to a fun day!
Trojans play tomorrow morning, Saturday Feb. 24 at 11am in Frenchtown. Winner will play for third later in the day. Come out and cheer on your Trojans! #WeAreDrummond
There will be a pep bus for grades 7-12 going to Frenchtown on Thursday, Feb. 22 for our boys game with Manhattan Christian at 2 pm. The bus will leave at 12:30 and return about 5 pm. Students will need $8 to get into the game. Concessions will be available. Permission slips have been handed out and are due back into the office by 8 am Thursday morning.
Drummond Boys Basketball team will play Manhattan Christian in the opening round of the Divisional tournament in Frenchtown, Thursday, Feb. 22 at 2 pm.
Drummond Boys Basketball will play Hot Springs in Alberton Monday, Feb. 19 at 6 pm for the play-in game to divisional.
District Tournament today in Frenchtown! Lady Trojans play at 10 AM and Trojans play at 11:30 AM. We look forward to seeing you there supporting our student athletes!
No JV boys scrimmage tomorrow, Friday, Feb. 9.
The 1/2 girls JV game for tomorrow, Friday Feb. 9 at 4:30 has been cancelled. Senior night will be right before the start of the girls varsity game, about 5:20. Girls varsity at 5:30, boys varsity at 7 pm.
JV girls basketball game with Valley Christian was just canceled. Game times are now 3,4:30, and 6pm. BJV,GV,BV.
Our High School Robotics Team is in Bozeman today, competing in the State Competition. If you can't make it there in person to cheer on your Trojans, you can watch the live YouTube feed here:
Senior night for boys and girls basketball will take place Friday, Feb. 9th (about 5:15) right before the start of the girls varsity contest with Granite.
There will be a Boys Freshman basketball game this Friday, Feb. 2 at 3 pm at home vs. Valley Christian. Games with Lincoln will follow at 4:30 with 1/2 girls JV followed by boys varsity at 5:30 and girls varsity at 7 pm.
Dear Stakeholders,
You are receiving this comprehensive needs assessment (CNA) for our school as stakeholders (parents(current and past students), grandparents, community members, employee or recent employee, board members, etc.). If you choose to fill out this survey, please fill it out according to which stakeholder group you belong. Some of the questions you may not understand or have enough information to be able to answer. It is okay to skip or mark "I don't know," if you are unsure of what is being asked.
This CNA is one way to gather data in order to complete the Integrated Strategic Action Plan (ISAP) that is due in March. When completing the ISAP, the information gathered will be used to write S.M.A.R.T. goals. This process will be directly tied to Accreditation and our high school Graduate Profile that we need to have created by next year.
This will be open until Saturday to be completed and then will call OPI to send the data that has been collected. Thank you for participating.
Link to the survey ...
Drummond boy's and girls district (Feb. 15-17) and divisional (Feb. 21-24) basketball tournaments will be held at Frenchtown High School. Please note the change in the divisional site. State (March 6-9) will be held at the Four Seasons Arena/Fairgrounds in Great Falls.
The boys freshman basketball game with Deer Lodge this Saturday, Jan. 27 has been cancelled. Games will now begin at 3:00 PM, 4:30, and 6 pm with the order being-BJV, GV, BV.
There will only be a 1/2 Girls JV game this Friday with Seeley. Starting game times will remain the same. 2:30 for the first game-BJV.
The boys freshman game this Friday with Seeley has been cancelled. So the games will start at 2:30 with the same order-BJV,GJV,BV,GV.